Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mini muffins for the mini

Stella has really mastered the picking up her own food skill using her index finger and thumb. Since then I have had so much fun giving her new foods. She has whole wheat toast with breakfast each morning, I have diced up watermelon or strawberries for her, given her sweet peas in addition to her dinner, shredded cheese, and I am sure there is more that I am forgetting. I feel I am always on the hunt for new ideas, new healthy ideas that is. I really pay close attention to what she intakes and have a deep passion for her eating the best foods possible. Today I found a recipe for Baby friendly banana mini muffins but changed the recipe a bit to make it more healthy for her. These muffins have no white sugar and no white flour! They are naturally sweetened using applesauce and a small amount of brown sugar, and are packed full of nutrition from the whole wheat flour and bananas.

According to Stella, they are lip smacking good....and I'll try my best to not eat them all on her! How does it go? Kid tested-mother approved!

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