Saturday, May 31, 2014

It was a strawberry kind of Saturday

Forever grateful...
Good Ole' teething ruled a majority of this week. The uppers are a real doozey and I wish they would just cut through already. Stella has had a hard time falling asleep almost every night this week (all but maybe two- which were a saving grace); the minute Rick or I placed her in her crib, she freaked- which isn't like her because she loves her crib. I spent more time in that glider with her this week, than I have spent all together since she has been born. She waked in the middle of the night crying and wouldn't fall back asleep as she normally say the least it's been a rough week with nights. These are moments that would naturally tire me out, or make me feel defeated or frustrated...moments I would want to just say 'go to effing bed already!'  But these (for a lack of better word) bad moments, are moments I am grateful for. I recently read about a family that tragically lost their three year old son on one of the mommy blogs that I follow. I think about their family all of the time and it makes me so sad for them. Just the thought makes my heart ache. Their loss, makes me grateful for 'every' single moment...the good and the bad. So if you can't sleep, or just feel like crying, or those damn teeth are bothering you, or you just want to be rocked...I'll be here for you- soaking in those moments too. 

So our week of activities were either low key or non existent. We did get out for walks, bake the usual chocolate cupcakes on Wednesday and Friday had a lunch date with friends and went into town to share a smoothie afterwards...

I live for making family memories. I know many of the things we do with Stella now she won't necessarily remember- but I will, and it makes me so happy. Saturday we went strawberry picking. I was in strawberry heaven! All I could think of was strawberries dipped in nutella, strawberry smoothies, strawberry infused water, strawberries in my morning oatmeal....a maybe a strawberry cupcake or muffin?
My little girl is getting so big...sigh

Strawberry Heaven!

Well it is 8:30 p.m and Stella is normally sleeping at 7:30. Right now I am typing my blog and there is a crying baby in her crib. Time for me to hit publish and go rock away in the glider with my little munchkin.

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