Sunday, June 22, 2014

Making memories at Round Valley

Were there things to be done around the house? Of course, when aren't there things that need to be done. But it was beautiful out and Stella is at such a fun age. She is only going to be this age once and the to do list is unfortunately not going anywhere. So I packed up a picnic lunch and a picnic blanket and to Round Valley we went for a hike and a picnic.

Just to back up a bit before I chat about our day, what is so cool about this place is Rick has so many good memories of this place from when he was a child. He still talks about them to this day. He, his Dad and sister would go fishing in this water reservoir all the time. It really was the same as he'd remembered it was when we went today. The other interesting thing about this place is the history. Supposedly, a submerged town is what lies deep in this reservoir. Houses, streets, telephone poles all seen by divers. You can read a little bit about it here and here. It really is a huge water pit. A beautiful water pit.

We first attempted the Pine Tree Trail which we soon found out one, it wasn't stroller friendly and two, it didn't have the water views that we had wanted. After we ventured back to the main area we found the Water Trail which was a trail that followed the water. It also has many spots to choose from to set up your picnic. Stella was for sure off roading today. Thank god for those air filled tires on the stroller. After a bit of a walk and beautiful views we found a great spot to stop, and eat lunch. We also took Stella down to the water and of course she wanted to sit in it and splish splash. Once she figured out she could pick up the rocks, she tried putting each picked up one into her mouth. Game over.

Below are a few pictures from our day at Round Valley. I am looking forward to going back very soon.

Pine Tree Trail...

On our way to Water Trail....we stopped at the boat and kayak launch and let Stella feel the water..

Now on Water Trail....

the view from our picnic blanket

another view from our picnic blanket

Time to eat lunch...sandys, a pickle, cut up mango and grapes, and chips. 

Rick walked Stella down to the water at our picnic spot....

Another great day making memories with my favorite two. 

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