Wednesday, June 25, 2014

9 Months

Happy 9 Months baby girl...

Dear Stella,
       You. You made me a Momma. You make me be the best me that I can be each and everyday. Watching you grow and learn lately is a miracle right in front of my eyes. It is amazing how you pick things up and your curiosity is just incredible. You are such a funny girl, with your latest noises, babbles and silly faces. You can be the most 'lovey dovey' gal I know. When you lean in to Daddy or I to give us a kiss without us asking, you just melt. our. hearts. You get in these kissy moods where all you want to do is keep giving kisses. Keep em' coming! You are beautiful in every way and words cannot express, write or say just how much you mean to Daddy and I. 
Love you to the moon and back.


Weight: 18.0 lbs
Height: 27.5 inches

Appetite: You have still been enjoying 3 meals a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your milk intake has stayed the same at about 28 ounces of milk a day. Your just milk times have stayed the same 11, 3, and 7:30 which is your bedtime bottle. You are still awaking once a night for that middle of the night feed. I don't mind you waking up because without that bottle your milk intake would be a bit shy of what it should be. You have always been a very small frequent eater. We have been trying new foods here and there and I have been at times giving you what Daddy and I have for dinner. Your food favorites haven't changed since last month. If I had to pick one food that would be your favorite, it would by far be avocado. And your favorite dinner combo lately is organic chicken breast, sweet potato, roasted red pepper and roasted zucchini. And anything that is on my plate!  You eat a mix of pureed foods and you also enjoy picking up your own diced up foods and feeding yourself. Your appetite is spot on some days and others it doesn't exist. 

Clothing Size: Besides cardigans and zip ups you are solely in 6-12 month clothing. Some items are bigger on you than others. All of your pajamas are 9 months now. Lastly, your shoes are 3-6 months and you are still wearing size 3 diapers! 

Milestones: Those two pearly whites on the bottom are just adorable. They make your smile beautiful, not that it wasn't before! You love standing up leaning on something by yourself especially your baby Einstein. You looove to give kisses. You are so much more aware and more observant these days. To watch you follow the bubbles that I blow and the birds flying in the sky is so neat. You can sit and play by yourself for quite some time. You are talking so much more. You are starting to move around a little more in your walker- watch out Ellie- she is coming for you! 

Outings: This month we have had quite a few lunch dates with Daddy, Nana and friends, we went to your cousin Kole's first birthday party, Daddy and I took you to round valley for a hike along the water and a picnic...

Thoughts: Stella..Love is blind because I started loving you before I ever saw your face. 

Our routine:  Our routine is very much the same as last month, and the month before. You still awake around 7ish (been 6:00 lately...too early!!). We have breakfast together shortly after you awake. Your first nap is around 8:30 a.m/9ish for about an hour. Your enjoy 4 ounces of milk around 11 a.m and we have lunch sometime between 12:30 and 1:00. You take an afternoon nap around 1:30/2:00. Milk again at 3:00. Your last evening nap is around 5:00, which is usually a short one if you take one at all. We all eat dinner at 6-6:30 p.m. Bath follows dinner and you have your last bottle right before bedtime which has been 8ish lately.  You still awake once during the night to be changed and eat- lately some time between 12:00 and 3:00 a.m. During the day we play, go for walks, play outside on your swing, run errands etc.. 

Nighttime has been a struggle. The nights where Daddy and I would place you in your crib and you wouldn't make a peep and you would drift off to sleep have come to a sudden halt. Some nights (on the good ones) you crank for a bit and eventually fall as sleep. But on most nights you cry and cry when we put you in your crib and want extra snuggles with Daddy or I. Daddy and I often take turns going up to your room to tell you everything is okay and there is no reason to cry. We are hoping this is just a phase...even though it has been what feels like a very loooong phase! 

Your favorites: You have found your hair! I feel like there is forever food in your hair now because you are always playing with it especially eating time. You love to run your fingers down your strands of hair. Some of your other favorites have been your V tech learn to walk,  going on walks, going for yogurt, reading books, wearing less clothes-always a bonus for me, less laundry!, you just love water these days and drinking out of your sippy cup, playing in your pool or tub and with the hose water, watching Momma blow bubbles, and being naked! 

Momma’s Favorites: I just love the age that you are at. We can do things together, go places, and interact on a whole new level. I love love love all the kisses that you give me, especially the ones that I don't even ask for. When you put your hands on my cheeks and pull my face toward yours- my heart skips a beat. I have also been enjoying homemade pureed veggie soups which I can share with you ( made a ginger curry carrot soup yesterday-so yummy), iced caramel macchiatos, I really do enjoy our food shopping trips together-you make them so much more enjoyable

Yes, that is a diaper on top of the sunroof. Too stinky for inside the truck. 


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