Monday, June 9, 2014

an incredible strand that connects us for life

One of the things that I have always loved about Rick since day one is his infectious ability to be silly and the ease he has smiling. Marriage is a special journey shared between two. Of the many things that accompany it, the incredible love that you share for your child with your soul mate is something like no other. The way she makes us both be silly and smile endlessly and so easily is something that Rick and I share everyday. She makes us stronger and love deeper.

When Stella does something new or funny, Rick and I look at each other, smile and giggle. When one of us is in the other room, "Come here- look at her!" one of us yells to the other. These are special moments Rick and I appreciate, just us, on a whole other level.

We made her. She is parts of him and I all wrapped into one. She is that special strand that will connect Rick and I for life. 

We share an unconditional love. Her. 

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