Saturday, May 17, 2014

Our first week of activities was a success

We did it! Stella and I's first week of our activity schedule was a success. I enjoyed gave me something to look forward each day. On Thursday I took Stella for frozen yogurt since it was 'Time for a treat Thursday'. It was warm, the sunshine was out, so I thought fro yo would be just the perfect treat. Of course Stella would of devoured the entire cup if I let her. I had captured so many cute pictures of her...(they instantly became favorites of mine- one was a clear shot of her two chompers). When we got home, my phone which I had used to take her pictures crashed-stopped working. After calling the cell phone company and doing a factory reboot on my phone, I lost everything. tear. This is the lonely picture from our fro yo trip on Thursday since we sent it to Daddy.

Friday was one of those days I could of slept in...Ha! Yea right! Stella was up at 6:00 a.m. ready to play, I wasn't. Guilty as charged, I fed her and put her back down and she slept until 7:30. Ahhh. It was raining buckets which called for an indoor shoot! I think I enjoyed it way more than Stella :)

Then Momma built tower after tower just so you could knock them down....

A few extra thoughts...

Bath time has become one of the best times of the day. Stella has Rick and I rolling...and wiping up the floor. 

  1. feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.

That is a word I have come to appreciate so much more. I am grateful for so many things in my life right now....the list would honestly go on and on....

but I am so grateful for my family.....these two have my heart.

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