Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Our Memorial Day weekend...

It was a nice, relaxing weekend spent with family and friends, and horses may I add. Having the hubby home for three straight days was an extra bonus!! That meant extra snuggle and playtime in our bed in the morning, eating breakfasts together, chit chat over hot coffee (latte for me, thank you), family walks and lunch dates, and less diaper changes for me!! The weekend was beautiful- sunshine, warm temps, and more sunshine. Stella was finally able to rock one of her Spring/Summer dresses with the romper, and sandals and not with leggings!

Saturday we took a walk in town and had a family lunch date at the lovin oven. Love that damn place! We sat outside which was nice, and Stella enjoyed her lunch with us...cottage cheese, prunes and a slice of whole grain bread.  She chimed in plenty of times with her 'pterodactyl' screeches. I kind of find myself ordering for both of us...whatever I order I make sure there will be something on my plate that we can share..like avocado. She is always checking out what we are eating. Sharing is caring, right?! :) Here is the babe at lunch..Look at those teeth!!

Oh yea, and Momma tried giving Ellie a pedicure. She is still trottin around with one painted paw. 

It's nice being able to wheel Stella's height chair out onto the deck for meals. Sunday lunch on the deck!

Later that day we packed up what feels like the house and to Grandma and Grandpa's we went. Sunday BBQ! Good thing my head is attached lately, because I feel like the warmer weather just adds more items to the list of things to remember. Toys-check, sunscreen-check, water and meals- check, puffs and snacks- check, height chair-check, and the list goes on and on... 

We laid out a blanket and played picnic style...

Becoming a Momma has changed my life in unimaginable ways...ways I never thought were possible.

Stella is getting more comfortable around the horses and doesn't have a meltdown out of fear. She actually pet Chaps and reached out for him. So cute.

Once upon a time, Daddy was a cowboy....

Did I say how much I loved her birdcage house dress. It is actually a light mint, along with the rompers. Love it!

Monday was Stella's first day in a pool. The list of items to pack for the day just tripled! I was guessing Stella was going to LOVE the pool since she absolutely loves, loves, loves bath time. I was hoping she was going to nap on the way to our friends, Stacey and Trevor's house but I figured that would be too good to be true. Her pissy mood got the best of her pool time. And talk about fighting a nap....Ha! Rick finally pushed her around the yard for a while in her stroller and that seemed to do the trick. Timing is everything...

This was a busy weekend for little miss....Monday night ended with a warm bath, snuggles in our bed and special story time with Daddy... (Monday night was a rough one to say the least) 

I cannot believe I am going to start working on Stella's 8 month update today. Eeek!! 

I also plan on putting together a video for each Friday that recaps moments from the weekend and weekdays... we shall see :)

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