Saturday, May 24, 2014

fun Friday

Our fun Friday consisted of a lunch date with a few friends, in which Stella decided to let out a few 'pterodactyl' screeches... and a handfuls of Mommas. I love it! Stella was due to eat at 11:30 and we were meeting for lunch at 11:45....The convenience of breastfeeding at its finest folks.  I hopped in the back and fed the hungry monster.  After she was finished and while we waited for the others, we had fun looking at each other in the flip down mirror in the drivers seat and pounding on the steering wheel. All new views from the front seat :) After lunch and when the sun was still shining, we laid out a picnic blanket in the yard and blew bubbles. Her face when she saw the bubbles was priceless. Baby bird.

It wasn't long before we had to take things inside since the dark clouds were rolling in. 

Here is a short clip from Friday's moments.... watch here

I cherish every moment with her. 

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