Thursday, May 15, 2014


Yesterday morning, Rick called on his way to work and told me that another baby deer was born on our lawn. I went outside to make sure she was okay when we got up...she was soo cute! I was so tempted to pet her. Last time I did that Rick and I ended up bottle feeding the baby deer goats milk in the garage and named her Maple. Won't make that mistake again. Obviously, this isn't the first time a baby has been born on our lawn. 
As Rick is reading my blog and looking at these pictures, I bet he isn't looking at the baby right now, he is checking out his grass stripes. Ha!

Tuesday was Time to read Tuesday and we did just that. We didn't get to do anymore than our usual amount of story time, but we did read a new book! Even better the book is titled Stella! There is actually a cartoon that goes along with this book about a little girl named Stella...adorable! I haven't read her this book before because the pages are real paper book pages, and sometimes she likes to pull on the pages and try to eat them as we are reading. I was afraid she would rip them or put chew marks in them..since this little chickie has a tooth now, and working on the second one! Just like I had thought, she tried to eat the pages and when I didn't let her, that little 'tude' came out. We will stick to the board books for now! I love story time with Stella so much. I could read her books all day long.

Wednesday is probably my second favorite thing to do with Stella. I was in a baking kind of mood! I have been trying to eat more oatmeal throughout the day (to increase my milk supply) and what better way than oatmeal cookies?! They count! First we made oatmeal coconut chocolate chip cookies. These will be the perfect treat to go along with my evening nespresso... I can dunkitty dip them. 

And for the real baked treat of the day? Stella and I made Apple pie snickerdoodle cookie bars. Ours didn't come out like cookie bars exactly, but they were delish! I gave the bowl of apple filling to Stella to touch. She loves feeling and squishing things like that between her fingers. When I first put the bowl on her tray, she put a finger in it and looked at me like is this ok? It was so stinkin cute!! After I encouraged it some more, she dug right in and starting picking out the apple slices, squishing them in her hands and then putting them in her mouth. Needless to say we had quite a sticky mess when all done.

And for the end result?

That was it for Tuesday and Wednesday!

Love this munchkin to the moon and back...

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