Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Since becoming a Momma, I've come to realize...

Since becoming a Momma...

I've come to realize that when I'm driving I am a more defensive driver. I am now one of those that could of made the turn 50 times before actually making the turn. My lead foot has become less heavy since having precious cargo in the truck.

I've come to realize that my boobs aren't private gems like they used to be, it is such an incredible thing that they are able to nourish my little babe, and so far they aren't saggy from nursing like I heard was going to happen. TMI?! (fingers crossed that never happens!)

I've come to realize that I need my morning cup of coffee stat, and pumping an hour later than I should of during the night, can screw up my entire day of scheduled feedings.

I've come to realize that I hate it when strangers touch my baby. Even just a touch of her hand....don't they know her hands go right into her mouth?!

I've come to realize that I've lost my sense of caring about a number of things... hair and make up perfectly primped, toenails perfectly painted, (forget the fingernails, they are impossible to paint),and eating a hot dinner.

I've come to realize the person I like is one that doesn't change when one goes through a life changing experience, one that listens when you just need to vent or one that offers a line of encouragement. It's amazing how a little line like "you're doing a great job" can make one feel.

I've come to realize that people aren't always who you think they are. When you go through a life changing experience like giving birth to your little one or becoming a Momma, you learn a hell of a lot about who people really are.

I've come to realize that money is easy to spend on your little one. I know that money can't buy love, but I want to buy her the world. 

I've come to realize that I'll always be a Momma to Stella, I will always be a wife to Rick and I will always try my hardest to be the best I can at those two roles each day.

I've come to realize that my mobile phone camera has captured some of my life's most precious moments and is the greatest teether in the world. 

I've come to realize that when I woke up this morning how much I love waking up to Stella talking to herself. Listening to her is better than any alarm clock.

I've come to realize that last night before I went to sleep I do love the hour or two of quiet Rick and me time. We are able to watch some of our shows on dvr, I can tinker on my i pad without it be grabbed at or chewed on, and I can enjoy my little dessert before going to sleep. ( Lately, it's been a salted caramel biscotti)

I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about how I am going to clear some of the shit off of my kitchen counter tops. (I know random, but my weekly task is to rearrange some of my kitchen cabinets and clear off my counter tops)

I've come to realize that this weekend's events all depend on Stella's naps, feedings, and teething fussiness.

I've come to realize that the past year has been one of the best years of my life.

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