Saturday, May 3, 2014

Friday in Clinton

This poor girl is cutting both bottom teeth at the same time. Lately, she is extra tired, fussy and can't bite down hard enough. Rick and I try our best to do things to keep her mind off of it....getting her outside is one of them. She loves being outside..walks in the stroller, swinging on the swing, we lay a blanket out on the back deck and bring out some toys and taking a bath. So yesterday was a day to get outside.

I love that Stella and I can walk out to the swing in our pj's. That is just what we did after we ate breakfast. 

Later that day all four of us (Eleanor included) headed into Clinton. Loading up the truck with the baby and the dog-a dog that is so bullheaded- is a loaded task in itself. We walked around town, took Stella to see the water fall, and scored us some fro yo! She enjoyed the yogurt so much, the spoon wasn't shoveling it in quick enough so she wanted to drink it instead. Girl after my own heart. Stella seemed to of favored the sugar free strawberry- anything fruit flavored is right up her alley, and I was all over the snickerdoodle. Anything cinnamon flavored, I will love you forever! 

As I grilled dinner, honey porter chicken skewers-yum yum, Stella took a ride on Daddy's tractor. 

The night ended with a nice warm bath...

I love me a good ol' comfy baseball tee. But, I am really loving my new one....

Last but not least, I can't stop smiling over here. Since Stella has said Momma for the first time on Wednesday, she hasn't stopped saying it. Everything is Momma, Momma, Momma. To her it's probably just a cluster of sounds, but to me it's a whole lot more.  It completely melts my heart. 

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