Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Summer Bucket List

Our Make it Monday was a no go yesterday. Stella had her first fever of 102. Little munchkin was feeling crappy and just needed rest. Between small feedings, bland food, and a shot of baby ibuprofen, she slowly showed signs of her goofy self. Until bedtime that is...sleep was not in the cards for us last night. 

Anyhow....breakfast was back to normal... Each morning I truly look forward to this. Having breakfast with my babe just makes the rest of my day.

Now that Stella is getting bigger and is able to do more, I thought making a Summer bucket list for her and I, and the hubby, would be a great idea. Below are some things that I would love to do together this Summer....
Meals outside are simply the best!
2014 Summer Bucket List
1. Family beach and boardwalk day (even though the closest beach is 76 miles away...whoa?!)
2. Have a picnic lunch- either down by the river or even in our backyard
3. Strawberry Picking
4. Roast smores
5. Visit a new farmers market- or 50?!
6. Light sparklers in the dark
7. Visit a local farm or petting zoo
8. Sesame Place here we come! Momma's got a season pass!
9. Catch fireflies
10. Visit a zoo
11. Color with sidewalk chalk
12. See fireworks
13. Splash in a pool
14. Make homemade popsicles


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