Monday, May 12, 2014

My first official Mother's Day

For the record, being a Momma to Stella, a happy, healthy baby is like Mother's Day everyday. It was a great day! The weather was definitely in our favor. I finally got to dress Stella in a romper (with NO onsie may I add) and sandals. She looked so damn cute...such the Summer baby. This ball of cuteness smelt of baby and sunscreen...better than any bouquet of flowers.

 We took a walk into town and had lunch outside...

No Mother's Day lunch would be complete without a cone of yogurt to share...As soon as Stella laid eyes on my cone of frozen strawberry yogurt, out came baby bird. 

When we got home from our walk and lunch, Stella went right down for her afternoon nap. Usually I would be running around trying to get things done while she was snoozing, but today I chose otherwise... Rick and I sat in the quiet living room, TV off may I add, and with a hot latte. 

here is proof....and yes this was taken midday...

My beautiful card and bouquet of flowers from Stella and Rick warmed my heart. I am a proud Momma and it is truly the best job in the whole world.  Thank you Stella and Rick for the perfect day, I wouldn't of wanted to spend it any other way. 

Being a mother is one of the
best paying jobs in world,
since the payment is pure love. 

Lastly, a perfect end to a perfect day... sleeping baby, a vanilio nespresso and a chocolate cupcake. 

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