Thursday, May 22, 2014

Catching up...and Throwback Thursday

Stella was playing catch up on Tuesday with her sleep since she wasn't feeling well on Monday. We didn't have story time like we usually do. No fret, we made up for it on Wednesday because we got a new book! Woop! Woop!  I Love You Stinky Face

Damn straight I wasn't missing out What's cooking Wednesday. Guilty..this one was for me! Homemade thin mints. Store these bad boys in the freezer...delish! All we did was melt semi sweet morsels, add mint extract, dip crackers into the chocolate and refrigerate. 

Typically I would take Stella out for Time for a Treat Thursday, but today was the gloomiest day ever and Stella's naps weren't the best today. I was batting zero. Sooo....we made a treat at home. Roasted banana smores on the grill. Yes Please!  I could of eaten 10 more of these. For the record..I did not eat both of these :)
Peel back the skin and enjoy!
Evidence is smudged all over her face :)

Lastly, I just melt over her little denims with her gray peplin top. Love baby style...

Okay I can really go crazy here but throwback Thursday anyone??

WooHoo! Tomorrow is Fun Friday!

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