Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Make it Monday

Monday was one of those days. Stella didn't have the best night sleep Sunday night...thank you aching gums and teeth...so she was cranky and clingy all day long. I did manage to get a grocery trip in. We didn't have one piece of fruit in this house?! Driving there I was just hoping for the best; wanting to get in and get out. I was pleasantly surprised, called Rick as soon as I got in the truck and told him it was the best shopping trip ever. She was a trip, making other shoppers laugh the entire time....she was banging her hands on the shopping cart, eating puffs and yelling Dada...comical! Half way home her cranky switch turned to on. I was skeptical whether or not a craft was going to be the in cards for us. But after her shitty nap I figured I would give it a whirl...by shitty nap, I mean less than half of what it should have been. 

I chose a craft that is appropriate for a 7 month old, colorful and clean! Clean finger painting...perfect. All I needed was paint, two gallon sized zip lock bags, paper, and little fingers :)

I then added quarter sized dots of paint on the paper inside the ziplock bag...

It worked out just fine. We did both paintings at different times in the day. I am proud to display Stella's first artwork on the back door. And...best part?! No clean up! This is one we will definitely do again. 

Can't help but include some more pics of this ball of cuteness from Monday...

Ok, I am going to take a minute to get sappy here....

I stare at this picture and know that time doesn't stop, it keeps ticking. These are the moments I am going to miss dearly and am cherishing right now the best I can. I melt for these moments, I'd kill for these moments to last forever, I live for these moments. Moments like these, give me a feeling of security, a feeling of being loved by her little but full heart, a feeling of true comfort. 

To her I am one who can comfort her, to her I am one who can giggle and be silly with her, to her I am one who can console and soothe her, to her I am one who can help her feel safe, to her I am one who can help the pain subside, to her I am the world. 

And to both of us, I am her Momma. 

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