Thursday, May 1, 2014

She said 'Momma'

Things have been pretty quiet here lately. The weather has been crappy so we have been inside, Rick's work schedule has changed a bit- just for this week hopefully, and Stella is teething. However, tomorrow's weather is looking up! I think that calls for a self serve frozen yogurt trip and time to feed the duckies.

 I decided to attach a couple short videos of Stella from this week.... I can really count on her for a true laugh each and every day.

Stella has been eating more solids and is forever eyeing up what I am eating. She is doing such a good job at chewing her little bites. Not only do I love watching her expressions when trying new foods, but I can just watch her chew and is so damn cute!

Stella said "Momma" and I got it on video! This video may be a bit grainy because of my cell phone and the lighting in the room at the time, but it doesn't take away from how special it is. 

So it was definitely time for bed in this next clip. We were really pushing the limits with trying to capture her baby bird face on video. I am not exaggerating when I say this girl is like clockwork! 7:30 p.m is bedtime- no ifs, ands, or buts. I feel that I talked so much about her baby bird face in my posts..well here it is... ( for some reason when ever she sees her reflection in a mirror she does baby bird.)

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