Thursday, April 3, 2014

A couple random thoughts and a few cute pictures...

I forgot what it was like to walk around outside in a sweatshirt and actually sweat!

Tuesday Stella and I took a ride to Clinton to go for a was a nice change up of scenery. Stella loves sitting in the stroller now without the car seat. She can sit up more and see everything!
 I had some stale bread in the draw, so I figured we would feed the ducks. We were strolling down to the lake where I had planned to plant it on the park bench right near the water. Let's just say the nasty honker geese thought different! As I was pushing the stroller closer to the bench near the lake, I saw two geese swimming pretty damn fast to shore, thinking they smelt my bread?! When they reached land, they stood up, puffed out their chests and started flapping their wings coming toward us. I spun the stroller around so fast and be-lined out of there. So much for lounging on the lake bench with my girl....

Keeping our distance from those territorial shits, I threw bread over the bridge to two little mallard ducks that I spotted in the lake.... and those nasty geese returned to steel their bread! Bullies!


Next stop? Just Chill....Stella's first stop of many may I add! She got her own spoon and her first taste of frozen yogurt. She loved it. We sat in the sun, shared each others company and indulged in a cup of frozen yogurt.

Love this babe....

We kicked off our Easter treats with our plain ol' go to chocolate cucpcakes...

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