Sunday, April 6, 2014

A penny for my thoughts..

I never thought poop would be the topic of conversation so often, or I would find myself comparing my child's poop on google to other baby's poop, or worry so much about poop for that matter. The moment her poop changes in texture or color I find myself running down a mental checklist to what might have changed in her diet, did she have too much water, or is it just from her teething...CHILL OUT HEATHER!  Sometimes I honestly need to relax (and have a beer), and just use my true mother's instinct...but...easier said than done.

We officially bought our first box of diapers! All the diapers we received from our baby shower stocked us up for a nice long 6 month stretch! Our new favorite isle in babies r us is the book isle...we LOVE it..I LOVE it! I have such a passion for childrens books.  It's so cute to see how excited she gets when you show her a book. Out of all the toy isles, she shows the most excitement in the book isle....I love it! Out of the hundreds of books, Stella (and I) chose these three books to add to her bookshelf... I am sure you can guess which is her favorite!

Other thoughts....

The sunshine has been showing itself, but the temps are playing hard to get. I have been able to break out some of the springy clothing items in her closet. She looked so stinkin' cute in her birdhouse flutter top and her white skinnies.

Last week I took Stella for a nice long walk, and to the park. I put her on the swing for the first time since ours is not up and running yet, and she loved it. It made me more excited to get ours hung for her. When I took her out of the truck and put her into her stroller she was all smiles, like she knew we were going for a made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. 

I forgot to mention the lovely smelling, fresh, hot load of mulch that was dropped off as soon as we sat down to swing.

We went to Chili's for dinner on Saturday night. Even though dinner sucked all, service, the whole nine yards, Stella sat like a big girl in the height chair. 

It's Sunday Funday today and we are brainstorming what to fill our day with! Hopefully temps warm up and we can make our way back to the park!

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