Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Let's have a chat over a smoothie for two

Okay, so we didn't exactly have a chat over a smoothie for two; but we did have both. Every time I would make a smoothie I would dread cleaning the pitcher and the parts inside of it. A few weeks back I replaced all of our drinking glasses with mason jars for several reasons. Our more dainty glasses were constantly breaking in the dishwasher, the mason jars have lids if I want to have a drink to go, I can really store anything in them and everything just tastes better out of a mason jar.  My point? I dread cleaning the blender pitcher no more! The mason jar screws right onto the blender! Blend and Enjoy (no clean up)!

And so we shared a strawberry blueberry spinach smoothie for two!  If it were up to her, she probably wouldn't share with me. 

And about that chat...Stella has been enjoying full out conversations with herself when she thinks no one is paying any attention to her. So as I pretended to play on my i pad, when I was actually filming her, this is what I recorded... 

Only two more days and my baby bear is going to be 7 months old....Pretty Please with a cherry on top, slow down. 

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