Friday, April 4, 2014

Seven Things...

Here are seven things that I have learned as a new mom...

One: Multitasking is a must!  Baby on hip or playing peekaboo in her height chair, preparing dinner and folding the laundry on the kitchen table all at the same time- call me the marvelous multi-tasker! You do what you gotta do to get things done! It's crazy how much you can get done during that hour nap time too!

Two: Sleep deprivation will not kill me. So what if I have walked into a few walls, or doors at night. It really is amazing how you learn to function on such little sleep. There were mornings I woke up so tired that I felt hungover from drinking a 30 pack the night before.

Three: Babies are expensive...period!

Four: I thought I new what anxiety was before having a baby...I had no clue! I worry about everything! Just when my head hits the pillow and I think I am going to fall into some zzz's, I find myself looking at the monitor to make sure she is breathing. I worry about her making friends, her driving on the roads with other crazy drivers, her believing in herself. I worry, worry, worry...

Five: I have become a pro at planning! I can't run out anymore without a plan in motion. Between naps, feedings and packing a diaper bag; even a quick trip to the market is a well thought out trip. Grabbing keys, and my coat and running out the more! Each trip out requires a thorough mental check list.

Six: You stop caring about certain things and what others think. Drool or spit up on your shirt..who cares?! Not showering for an entire day..who cares?! My baby is crying in the restaurant...if you don't like it then move!

Seven:  I never thought a love this deep was possible. I would jump through fire to keep her safe.

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