Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Some Q and A about pregnancy and becoming a Momma

What was your first reaction when finding out? "Holy Shit! This is really happening!" I was excited beyond words. Of course I took only 6 home pregnancy tests because I was in such disbelief. 

What was the hardest part about being pregnant? The hardest part for me was towards the end, and not being able to do things on my own, such as...lifting things that I know I physically could but shouldn't, shave my legs, paint my toenails (I ended up painting more of my skin around my toenail than the actual nail), and having to get out of bed during the night to pee like every 20 minutes when all I wanted to do is sleep!

Where were you, what were you doing, when you went into labor? Wish I had more of an interesting answer for this question, but it was a planned induction. 

What was your labor experience? Natural, epidural, c-section? How long were you in labor? What I was hoping for couldn't have been farther from what went down! Of course I wanted a natural delivery, but after 29 hours of being in labor, we ended up having a c-section. Little Miss was stuck in the pelvis. You can read about Stella's birth story here

Was it better or worse than you anticipated? Boy did I have my shit backwards. I thought the epidural was going to be the worst part (I am a big baby when it comes to needles, especially ones going into my back..yuck!) but the contractions?? Holy Hell! Didn't plan for those...but really, who does?

Did you have a good pregnancy? Why or why not? I had a great pregnancy; which is probably the reason I enjoyed it so much. I miss it all the time. 

What was the worse part about being pregnant? I have a permanent tattoo from Stella...hemorrhoids.

What advice would you give other women about pregnancy? Okay so after reading articles, after books and more articles, everything I read said to eat healthy and exercise because they will help your delivery! I ate healthy everyday, and walked outside or on the treadmill everyday through my entire pregnancy (I only missed one day and that was the day of my baby shower) and it didn't help my delivery for shit! So my advice? Eat your face off and don't exercise! 

What techniques did you use to get through the pain of contractions? I didn't use any special techniques just breathed my way through them the best I could. Thank goodness for the hubbs, he was my technique. :)

What were your first thoughts when finding out? I always considered myself an old soul in a young body growing up. I always wanted children. I was so excited and couldn't wait to be a Momma to a little munchkin.

Did you find out if your baby was a boy or girl? Why or Why not? Damn skippy we found out. I couldn't go another 20 weeks without knowing what was brewing inside of me!

Did you have any cravings? Fruit, fruit and more fruit. Also, Starbucks pumpkin spice latte's and skinny cow snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches. 

Did you enjoy being pregnant? Loved every moment of it. Especially feeling all the kicks and hiccups. 

What's the hardest thing about being a mum? The worry. I worry about ev-er-y-thing. 

Something he/she has done to make you laugh? This question should be what doesn't she do to make me laugh? She is at a very fun stage right now and babbles up a storm. I can listen to her babble and her pterodactyl screeches all day long. 

Biggest worry about your baby's future? My biggest worry about Stella's future is her loving and believing in herself. 

Do you believe in staying home or going to work? My dream would be to stay home and raise my child(ren). But, you gotta do what you gotta's life. 

Any advice for future moms? I won't give that common advice that I heard so many times, sleep when the baby sleeps because to be quite frank I don't (only if I am not feeling well). If I had to give advice I would say that time does go by way too fast, so don't take even the smallest moment for granted. I was always one to have my kitchen cleaned before going to bed, no dishes in the sink, emptied dishwasher etc. or a dusted house and mopped floors, but I have come to find out that that cleaning will always be there but moments with Stella at this age won't. Playing with her and making memories with the family are far too important to let go by. I would also add, don't always feel like you have to do what others say is right, or what the internet articles say; use your mothers instinct. You know what is right for your little being. Everything I read was that your little one should be sleeping in his or her crib by 3 or 4 months...Stella was simply not ready. She slept next to me until she was 5 months old, and I wouldn't change a thing. Now? She loves her crib and won't sleep anywhere but her crib. 

What is the most rewarding part about being a mom? Everything. Knowing that a little being is depending on me for everything and being able to love and nurture her hits a special spot with me. 

What is something you miss about life before your children? I wouldn't change a thing about my life right now. But if I had to pick something it would be the easiness of running out. If my head weren't attached, I am sure I would forget it sometimes!

Was your husband a help or hinderance during the first few weeks of pregnancy? I was truly lucky to have him home for a first couple weeks. It gave our new family that extra time to bond. 

How big was your baby? She was 7 lbs, 9 oz and 21 inches long. 

What did you name your baby and how did you choose that name? We named her Stella Evelyn Lykes. Okay well part of the idea was from the yummy beer Stella Artois and part was just because we loved the classic name. Stella's middle name, Evelyn, came from Rick's grandma. 

Was your little one on time, early, or overdue? She was overcooked to perfection. I was induced 7 days past my due date. 

Did being pregnant and giving birth teach you anything profound about yourself, life, love...? I talked about this in Stella's birth story as well. I learned a lot about myself and love. Experiencing a life changing moment like this with your loved one teaches you a lot about not only your love for each other but him or her as a person. 

In hindsight, you know it was all worth it... but would you do it all again? In a heartbeat. 

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