Thursday, April 24, 2014

All about Mama Bear and Papa Bear

Sweet baby Stella, here is another post that I hope you look back on and read when you are older. 

Your Mama Bear and Papa Bear are two parents that couldn't be prouder. We look at you and are in awe and can't help but smile. We are in complete love...simply put.

 I wanted to share with you a little bit about us in our life right now...

All about your daddy...
Your Daddy is a nurturing, hard working, will give you the world, silly, loving man. Your Daddy goes to work everyday, sometimes extra days on the weekends, works his butt off, so I can stay home with you right now. He comes home and can't be more excited to see you when he walks in that door.  He calls numerous times a day to see how your day is and how you are doing because he misses you. Your Daddy has been a carpenter for --- years now. He is very good at what he does and is so handy around the house. He is a perfectionist and always double thinks himself. He doesn't always give himself enough credit.  He will give, give, give before he takes. He loves the outdoors, cutting and striping the grass (one day you will see for yourself), working out and spending time with you and I.  He is a steak and potato kinda guy and prefers vanilla over chocolate. He also loves fine dining and smelling good. Daddy sometimes gets frustrated too quickly, as do you. So we know where you get that little short temper from. Your daddy loves you unconditionally, is always here for you and always will.

All about your Momma...
Give your Momma a good book, some fresh fruit, lots of sunshine, a Starbucks latte, you and Daddy and I am as happy as can be. I have been incredibly lucky to have been able to stay home with you thus far. I love each and everyday. I have been a 5th grade teacher for five years now. To be completely honest, I used to enjoy it more than I do now. Maybe because being a Momma is the best job in the whole world and no other will compare. I love to read, even though it's been a while since I kicked back with a good book. I love to bake, to take long walks, to go out for ice cream or frozen yogurt and having a clean vehicle. (There is just something about driving a clean truck..Daddy is the same way) I am a person who strives on immediate gratification, which is not always a good thing. I love taking care of you. I also like Daddy, enjoy fine dining, but give me a piece of barbecued chicken and a corn on the cob and I can chow down. I am a more salmon and avocado kinda gal, and prefer chocolate over vanilla. I also love you unconditionally and will always be here for you.  

All about your English Bully Eleanor...Ellie as we like to call her for short

How shall I describe Ellie? Ellie is a playful, chubby, stinky, high maintenance pooch. She thinks she is a lap dog but weighs a whoppin 54 pounds. She is a Daddy's girl. She is now three and a half years old, but still has the energy of a lil' pup. It was quite the adjustment for her when we brought you home because she was our only baby for a long time. She licks your face and is afraid of about everyone of your toys. 

And that is us, right now, in this so called thing, life. 

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