Sunday, April 13, 2014

Homemade is ALWAYS better

Saturday brought some springtime weather...that called for some sunshine on our cheeks!

and some other things....

I shared in a previous post that we bought Stella her first swing. I had purchased this swing just because we could easily hang it from a tree branch. That is if we had any big sturdy branches, but we don't! oops! This is where Daddy's skills come into play.....Stella you have one handy guy for a Daddy.
The pictures will tell the swing hanging story....

And then....


Stella had Rick and I rolling Saturday during her dinner time. The past few nights she has been diggin' her oatmeal mixed with pureed butternut squash and summer zucchini. Well, last night she decided she didn't like it and pretended to cough the entire dinner which caused her to wear more of her food then what wound up in her belly. And this is kind of how dinner went.....(once again because of her constant movement, many of these are blurry...)

I think you get the picture....

Today we are starting up, what I hope to be, a new tradition for Stella.  This was once an Easter tradition when I was her age until about 15 years ago.... we will share with pictures when the day is over! Happy Sunday Funday! 

From the moment they placed you in my arms, you snuggled right into my heart.

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