Monday, April 28, 2014

Our mostly pictures.

We had a sort of busy weekend, and the sunshine definitely helped out. On Saturday, we took Stella to Peddlers Village for her first time. We walked around, met a few friends for lunch outside, walked some more and Momma got to indulge in her first soft serve ice cream cone of the year! Yes, Stella had a taste or two..and said 'mmm'. We stopped at a toy store and bought Stella her first wooden puzzle. I love the wooden puzzles. We chose barn animals since the horse kinda looked like Chaps :)

Stella ate her lunch-cottage cheese and prunes... and then wanted mine...I swear she can sniff out avocado! 

Later that night when we got home, Stella got cozy and we dove into her new wooden puzzle. The puzzle pieces fit her mouth that is. 

It was an early morning on Sunday. Stella participated in her first March of Dimes walk. It was a chilly, breezy morning, but she was a trooper. Actually, we were troopers, because Momma and Daddy carried her ass most of the walk because for the first time EVER, she didn't want to ride in her stroller. I guess that was the price we paid for skipping her morning nap. 
Daddy's girl...

Sunday. April 27, 2014. Walk for March of Dimes

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