Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Defining my Life

I knew becoming a Momma would change my life, but didn't realize how much it would change my life. I feel that I am still changing, learning, and evolving everyday. 

To think about life before Stella....simple...too simple. I would fall asleep watching TV because I could, I would take long showers, and explore my different options in my make up vanity, I would try on different outfits before choosing one, I would run to the store with no plan or mission or list for that matter. Rick and I would hang out with friends for happy hour and throw back cocktails (times a few) because we could. Rick and I would take a vacation to enjoy island beverages, and too soak up endless amounts of sun. Yea, you could say they were fun times. 

But like I said becoming a Momma changes you; really changes you. Life before Stella and life after Stella are incomparable. My heart is bigger, bigger than I could have ever imagined. My perspective on everything has changed.  Like how quickly I get in and out of the shower, do I even have time to shave my legs? I throw on the same (yes, clean) clothes because I know they work, I try to slab on the same make up before she realizes I stepped out of her view. Browsing around a store with no list has become a more planned thought out trip, with feeding times in mind, having drool or spit up on my shirt when running out, infinite trips to Babies r us, having to plan husband and wife time weeks in advance, sometimes running on no sleep, being on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But I simply don't care. Because it is for her. I can honestly say I was ready to be a mom, and I love it way more than I ever imagined. Rick and I love being parents more than we could of ever imagined. 

I always knew family mattered the most; but now that idea is stronger to me. Stella inspires me to be the best I can be...for her and Rick; to be a better wife and a better Momma. 

So if I had to define my life now...Stella defines my life now. Stella is my life's transformation. She represents the beauty of the changes in my life. We are both growing, learning and defining 'us'

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