Monday, April 14, 2014

A new Easter tradition

Thank you mother nature! This weekend was freaking beautiful! We spent most, if not all, of the weekend outside. Stella enjoyed her new swing set that Rick built her and finally got to feel the grass strands between her bare toes.

When I was younger, my family and I used to visit this chocolate factory called Old Monmouth Candies right before Easter every year and I would get to pick out my own special chocolate bunny. You would walk in, grab a basket and stroll, drooling over all the yummy chocolate creations. They have a long stretch of just different flavored cream filled eggs from cookies n' cream to key lime. Everything is homemade! Having Stella now makes me want to begin holiday traditions for her to remember and look back on. On Sunday, we did just that! Walking in, the smell brought back so many memories. That sweet chocolate smell engulfs you right at the door. Goodies wound up in our shopping basket pretty quick. We got white chocolate bars, chocolate covered pretzels, coconut cream filled eggs, honey beer brittle, almond crunch bar, and I even got a chocolate covered devil dog! Good thing I only got one of those bad boys, because it didn't take long for that thing to end up in my belly!

Daddy got to wear the kangaroo pouch!

After the chocolate factory, we just spent some quality time outside. Stella sat in the grass and felt the grass of her bare toes and hands...

And the wind through her hair...

Just a few last pictures from this weekend...

Stella started having an afternoon snack... She enjoys a few tablespoons of a Yobaby organic yogurt pouch.

Got Milk? 

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