Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fruit, Easter treats, and more Fruit

Another reason that I love this time of year is because many of the fruits that we love are soon going to be in season. Between Rick, Stella and I we eat a ridiculous amount of fruit. We eat fruit in so many ways too....fresh, frozen, pureed, or blended in smoothies. When I go food shopping, I think I spend most of my money on produce. We also are crazy about washing our fruit; especially the ones that I make for Stella. After washing our fruit, I like to store it in easy accessible containers so Rick and I can just open the fridge, grab and go! Hence the reason I fell in love with this ceramic fruit container and strainer from Crate and Barrel!

My girl is still diggin' mango! Her bite (still no sign of teeth) is getting stronger, so I pop the wedges in the freezer for a few. 

On the not so healthy side we have been making some Easter treats. Of course we filled our treat jar with Bunny Bait! We just made this festive by adding some Easter M&M's, Easter sprinkles, and used our usual white chocolate drizzle..yum! 

And for my other small Crate and Barrel purchase? This ceramic egg holder we will use for our died eggs, but for now it fits our mini cupcakes perfectly! Our mini creations are lemon cupcakes, with a light coating (ha! is there such a thing?) of cream cheese frosting. 

Here is Stella once again licking the spoon and bowl from when we pureed her pears today...

I am going to wrap things up with a mini collage of photos from our walk in town today...

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