Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tummy Time is a Success!

   We started tummy time days after we got home from the hospital. Let's just say Stella HATED it! She would cry, scream and flail those arms and legs until she was rolled over to her back or picked up. It broke my heart to watch her cry. I was guilty as charged....I began to slack with tummy time and not complete the 20 minutes a day just to avoid her being so upset.  Thinking more about how I was hindering the next milestones, like rolling over...I had to be more consistent with tummy time. I set the timer starting at 7 minutes (which felt like a lifetime) and let her cry as she lay on her tummy. Days went by, and I kept adding time to the timer....and Now?? It is a success! Not only does she not cry on her tummy and reach for toys....but this little miss can now roll over all by herself from her belly to back!

If Stella had thought bubbles, they would probably say something like this: "Haha suckers...can't keep me on my tummy now- how do you like me now?"

Stella has grown in so many ways this month...I am excited to explain in her upcoming 5 month update. However, since she is sitting up so well with little support, we have some short family time on the couch in the evening. It's how Rick and I stay caught up on our few shows.. thank goodness for DVR!

Stella you still seem to amaze us each and every day! 

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