Sunday, February 9, 2014

Catching up....

Our cookies were successfully delivered to the church on Saturday morning! We checked that off the list! This week kind of got away from us. Therefore, Stella and I cheated and took the easy way out this time!

Yes we did! We took store bought wafers, dipped them in white chocolate and covered them with some Valentine's Day sprinkles! Woop Woop! 

For about 2 weeks now Stella has chosen to boycott car rides and throw full out temper tantrums! Like screaming at the top of her lungs, so loud that Momma's jams don't even drain out the cry! So all week I was worrying because on Saturday Stella was going to endure her/our first loooong car ride and by long I am talking 2 1/2 hours each way! I packed EVERYTHING from toys, the ipad ready with A Bugs Life and Lazy Lamb(best app ever), emergency boobie juice, you name it, I had it! Can you believe she wanted none of that and rather of played with my phone! About 15 minutes into our trip she made me look like a fool! She slept the entire way was like puuuure heaven! Stella's cousin Kaden turned 3 (another Woop Woop!) and that's where we were heading- to a 'high flyin' plane party! Stella (and me) are so lucky to have such great family. We spent some quality time and enjoyed each others company! 
Twinsies! (not on purpose!) Stella and Momma watching Kaden open his presents!
I thought for sure, I wasn't going to get to ride in pure heaven again on the way home...that was just too good to be true! Before we left, I made her as comfy as possible. PJ's, dry diaper, and gave her warm boobie juice (doesn't that just sound delish-haha!) Half way through the trip, Stella decided that the music wasn't loud enough and would put in some back up vocals! The crying began! I reacted with my plan of attack! Out came the ipad with Lazy Lamb.
Picture taken with the flash!

Picture taken without the flash!

That was a short fix. Next plan of attack? Breast Pumpin' it down route 29! The boobie juice does it everytime and made for a smooth landing into our humble abode! 

Stella even got a special goody bag that we opened when we got home! She loved the ladybug snack containers and I loved the heart socks--perfect for V-day! 
Stella enjoying the contents of her one of a kind goody bag!
Stella is learning new things every day! I included a few videos below to share:

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