Saturday, February 1, 2014

Oatmeal for Grub

   On Thursday night Rick and I gave Stella her first oatmeal dinner. I was so excited that I had everything set out on the counter 2 hours before dinner time.We chose to start her with oatmeal instead of rice cereal. Both offer similar nutrients, it just comes down to personal prefernce. Anyway, we mixed 1 tablespoon of Gerber oatmeal with 5 tablespoons of breastmilk, so it had a nice runny consistency. The first sight of the spoon, her mouth opened wide like she had done this a million times before. She ate the whole damn bowl, plus her 1-2 ounces of leftover milk in her sippy cup! And...she was hungry 2 1/2 hours later and then chugged a 5 ouncer! My little hog!

Getting ready 2 hours before dinner. Am I pathetic or what?

Red Sippy Cup...I fill you up...let's have a party, let's have a party! (I was singing along to the tune of Toby Keith- Red Solo cup)

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