Monday, February 3, 2014

Sunday Church Service

I hope I don't jinx myself when I say this but....this girl is a champ during church service! Not a peep! She went from greeting the people in the pew in front of us with ear to ear smiles, to sound asleep in my arms! She slept through all the hymns, stories and prayers! Hmm..wonder where she gets the heavy sleeping from?!! (Daddy) We are officially members of the Frenchtown Presbyterian Church! Looking forward to Stella's christening this month!

Frenchtown Presbyterian Church in 1910..thought it was interesting how nothing has changed from this picture, to the present photo beneath. 

I have been waiting for this dress, tights and shoes to fit her since before Thanksgiving. Her shoes were quite big, but you couldn't tell! Below are a few pictures before going to church! 

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