Friday, February 28, 2014

Life Lately on the Mountain...

Since I am beginning to feel like an Eskimo in all of the damn layers of clothing I have been wearing, and not to mention this screwy weather we have been having, we have been doing our best with daily activities in the house. After 15 minutes of doing one activity, Stella gets bored and is ready to move to the next. Toys, songs, books only last for a short stretch at a time. If the Spring doesn't get here soon, we just might go ape shit! Besides finding excuses to go to Target so I can indulge in a hot decaf, soy caramel flan latte on the ride home, I have been trying to fill our days with things to do inside. 

As I said in Stella's 5 month update, she is beginning to sit up on her own, of course I always have an eye on her and a hand with quick reflexes ready to catch her when she wobbles. This makes play time so much fun! 

One afternoon, we had exhausted all of the play mats, jumperoos, and toys. What was next? The big mirror in our guest room. She has been so fascinated with herself lately if we walk by a mirror. I sat her in front on the floor and just observed. She stared at herself in such interest and confusion. Oh to be inside that brain of hers! After 3 headbutts to the mirror I called it quits. 

Stella is for sure teething. One, she is like a water faucet with the drool and two, EVERYTHING goes into the mouth! We have the ordinary frozen teethers that she enjoys. However, I found these cool ones during our trip to Target this week. What is so neat about them is that they are mesh and they open, so I can fill them with anything, ice cubes which she loves, frozen fruit or frozen veggies. 

Of course we were back in the kitchen baking. We found a new cookie recipe and decided to give it a whirl. On the upside I don't have to go looking through my drawers for my measuring cups and spoons anymore because they have all been on her height chair tray. Starting her out early :) Out of all of her colorful and noisy toys, she chooses the kitchen utensils. That's my girl!

Anyway, we baked Peanut Butter Oatmeal White Chocolate Chips cookies. Yum! Anything with oatmeal helps the boobie juice! To be honest, they are good but don't compare to the good ol' chocolate chip cookie-hot and gooey out of the oven of course!

During our trip to Target this week I spotted some Easter coloring books. I picked two up for Stella and I to color. Add it to the indoor activity list! Let's just say more crayons wound up on the floor and in the mouth than on the coloring page. I must have picked each crayon in the crayon box off the floor ten times. When Stella went down for a nap, I sat in the quiet kitchen for a few minutes, opened the coloring book and colored. I had forgotten how soothing it was. 

Speaking of Easter....I have fallen in love with this dress for Stella! It will be the perfect Easter dress.
Bunny dress

So that's what we have been up to lately! Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend before the next crappy snowstorm hits! 

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