Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

I have had my snow fill for the next 10 years! We were house bound once again yesterday. But this time we had a family day home! Rick stayed home from work, so we got to spend some quality time together as a our pjs all day! I put aside the to do list yesterday and sucked up the special moments with Daddy home :)  Since it was Valentine's Day Eve we had to celebrate...and what better way than with food?!

Breakfast...I spy heart shaped toast and strawberries

Dinner.... His and Hers heart shaped Pizza

It is officially Valentine's Day. Time to put down the electronics and spend time with my loved ones :) Stella and I sat at the kitchen table this morning and filled out Papa Bear's Valentine's Day card....
Who said a 4 month old can't write?!

Happy Valentine's Day! Sending Love from our snowy home to yours....

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