Sunday, February 23, 2014

This Weekend....

I kind of forgot what 50 degree weather felt like..until this weekend. This makes me wish for Spring to just arrive already! It gets me all giddy and excited inside knowing soon I can take Stella outside to play and do outside activities. I can't wait to see how she likes feeling the strands of grass between her bare toes, going on walks down by the river, going for ice cream after dinner, and wearing less clothes! I said this before, but strip Stella down to her diaper and she is happier than a pig in shit!

This weekend we had a few things happening around here. Saturday evening, the family gathered together to celebrate my Dad's 50th! Woop Woop! Here are some pictures from the dinner...

My little wash woman!

Somehow she managed to sleep through the noise for a quick catnap. 

Kaden and I

Playing it up on the restaurant floor! 

Sunday morning came quickly. All three of us got ready in a jiffy and were to worship by 10:00! Stella rocks at church! Same as always, full of smiles while greeting everyone, to sound asleep for the rest of service. Today we were 'accepted' into the church. We were called up to the front of the church, of course Stella woke up for this part :) All of the Deacons gathered around us in the front and prayed for us as they accepted us as members of the church. All was good and dandy until Stella ripped ass during prayer. It STUNK! I just hope none of them thought it was me. :)  A few pictures before church...

Soon to come this week...good updates about our sleeping situations!

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