Thursday, February 6, 2014

Keeping Busy....

I get excited for the days when Stella can be hands on with crafts, baking and such but, I by no means want to rush it! I enjoy having her in her height chair watching me as I bake or whip up something for a meal. I usually keep her involved and interested by making it goofy and fun. Typically I narrate what I am doing or give her a spatula or measuring spoons to play with! Since Valentine's Day is right around the corner,  we decided to make something festive for our clear treat jar that sits on our counter top. Here is what Stella and I whipped up....

       Red Velvet Popcorn

Since the popcorn recipe only requires about 1/3 of the cake, we made red velvet donut holes with the leftovers! Of course we topped them with a sugary glaze! Unfortunately Stella had to watch me eat this deliciousness! 

I really hope that one day Stella enjoys cooking and baking as much as her Momma! Stella and I will be back in the kitchen tomorrow, preparing some Valentine's Day cookies to contribute to the church's Valentine's Day Cookie Sale. We will share what we decide to bake tomorrow!

On Tuesday, Stella and I felt like be we hopped in the car and ventured out...
This is what our road looked like from inside the beautiful!

We took a ride to the food store!!!....the day before the next snow storm was suppose hit! Who knew it was going to be that busy!! Everybody and their mother was food shopping!  I strapped her on with the 'kangaroo pouch' as Rick likes to call it.. and we battled the crowds! Never again! Even though I probably wouldn't mind food shopping if somebody would strap me on in a kangaroo pouch! 

Bundled up and ready to go food shopping...Love this girl...

Stella is doing some pretty funny things lately...I will be sharing those very soon!

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