Friday, February 21, 2014

Being a Momma...

    When I chose to be a Momma, I chose to be selfless. I chose to love, nurture and care for someone before myself. It means more than the lack of sleep and messes around the house. It means truly understanding who my child is. Understanding her fears, her dreams, her sweet heart, her needs; that is what it means to be a Momma. Everyday I will tell her how much I care for her, love her. It's in the little moments that will make her know she is understood and loved.

It's the little moments..

.it's knowing I'll be there to offer her smiles when she awakes at her crib side, it's knowing I'll be there to read her a bedtime story, it's knowing i'll soothe her when she feels uncomfortable, it's knowing I will praise her deeply when she reaches a milestone, it's knowing she may not go to sleep easily tonight, it's knowing that she may not even know why she is crying...

My job is to help her become who she is meant to be and guide her through that journey. That means loving her unconditionally and truly understanding her....knowing her well.




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