Saturday, May 31, 2014

It was a strawberry kind of Saturday

Forever grateful...
Good Ole' teething ruled a majority of this week. The uppers are a real doozey and I wish they would just cut through already. Stella has had a hard time falling asleep almost every night this week (all but maybe two- which were a saving grace); the minute Rick or I placed her in her crib, she freaked- which isn't like her because she loves her crib. I spent more time in that glider with her this week, than I have spent all together since she has been born. She waked in the middle of the night crying and wouldn't fall back asleep as she normally say the least it's been a rough week with nights. These are moments that would naturally tire me out, or make me feel defeated or frustrated...moments I would want to just say 'go to effing bed already!'  But these (for a lack of better word) bad moments, are moments I am grateful for. I recently read about a family that tragically lost their three year old son on one of the mommy blogs that I follow. I think about their family all of the time and it makes me so sad for them. Just the thought makes my heart ache. Their loss, makes me grateful for 'every' single moment...the good and the bad. So if you can't sleep, or just feel like crying, or those damn teeth are bothering you, or you just want to be rocked...I'll be here for you- soaking in those moments too. 

So our week of activities were either low key or non existent. We did get out for walks, bake the usual chocolate cupcakes on Wednesday and Friday had a lunch date with friends and went into town to share a smoothie afterwards...

I live for making family memories. I know many of the things we do with Stella now she won't necessarily remember- but I will, and it makes me so happy. Saturday we went strawberry picking. I was in strawberry heaven! All I could think of was strawberries dipped in nutella, strawberry smoothies, strawberry infused water, strawberries in my morning oatmeal....a maybe a strawberry cupcake or muffin?
My little girl is getting so big...sigh

Strawberry Heaven!

Well it is 8:30 p.m and Stella is normally sleeping at 7:30. Right now I am typing my blog and there is a crying baby in her crib. Time for me to hit publish and go rock away in the glider with my little munchkin.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

8 Months

Dear Sweet Stella,
       The journey of motherhood has been more then what I dreamed it would be. You are truly a great baby and I am loving each and every day with you. You have grown in so many ways, and your sweet little heart loves so big. Your own personality is really starting to shine through and I love it more than words can say. You are smart, you are beautiful, you are humble, and you are playful. You have changed Daddy and I's life in such a way we never thought was possible. You will always be our baby, and our hearts will forever love you. The things we do together are the best parts of my days...I love watching you explore on your own, I love hugging you, I love telling you how much I love you, I love tucking you in knowing I will be here when you wake up, I love reading you stories, I love rocking with you in the glider and singing to you, I love how the song 'Some where over the Rainbow' makes you smile., I love that I can be goofy and silly with you, and I just heart that giggle like no other. You are incredibly special. Daddy and I believe in you and will always be your number one fans. Kisses and Hugs. 
Love you to the moon and back.



Appetite: You have been enjoying 3 meals a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your milk intake has stayed the same at about 28 ounces of milk a day. You are still nursing at 11 a.m., 3:00 p.m, 7:30 p.m and once during the night. The other two feedings you get in a bottle along with your breakfast and dinner. You are still a fruit fanatic (like me). Your breakfast always consists of 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal mixed with pureed applesauce, pears and/or plums, served with a side of avocado. Avocado is one of your long time favorites. Every morning we split an avocado.  Lunch is always a small serving of small curd cottage cheese, half of an organic prunes pouch and a slice of whole grain bread. We have been squeezing prunes in twice a day- lunch and dinner. We try to help along those bowel movements. The bread is broken up into small pieces. You love picking up your own food and putting it into your mouth! This was such a great milestone for you!  You feed yourself your snacks, like melts, puffs, and shredded cheese. Dinner has gotten easier. We have introduced a few new foods to you. Lately your favorite combo is organic chicken breast pureed with 1 ounce of each- sweet potato, roasted red pepper, and roasted zucchini, (and a squirt of prunes). Your dinner gets heated up each night in a pan with a tablespoon on EVOO. You love to play in your food. When there is about 2 or 3 bites left I let you wiggle your fingers in the food. The look on your face is priceless. I can't complain about your eating at are doing a great job! You also rock at drinking from your sippy cup. (You would drink an endless amount of water if we let you). No help from Daddy and I anymore. You got the tilt down pat! You love tippin your red solo sippy cup! --One day you will understand what I mean!

Clothing Size: Same as last month!! Nothing has changed in the clothing dept! We can still choose from either 3-6 months or 6-12 months. The only 3-6 month clothing that does not fit are the pants! That's because of those yummy thighs! We did bump up a size in diapers! Size 3 diapers baby! They are a wee bit big, but we didn't want to buy a huge box of 2's and not be able to use them all. 

Milestones: I feel like you have grown so much lately. You have two bottom teeth that are clearly visible!! Still no have no desire. You still roll right over once put on your belly. Momma is not rushing it- take your time. You will sit and play by yourself on the floor with yours toys, you will reach as far as you can for a toy if you want it, but if you can't reach it you will settle for a toy that is reachable. To you no toy is worth the tumble forward yet. You say both Momma and Dada! We love it so much. When you say either, Daddy and I look at each other and just smile. You clap your hands together, when we say "Yay!". You can pick up your own food pieces and put them into your mouth. You drink out of your sippy cup with no help at all. Going shopping is much more fun in your shopping cart cover. And you graduated into your big girl car seat! 

Outings: This month we have had quite a few lunch dates with Daddy, Nana and friends, you were a participant in your first charity walk-March of Dimes, and we went on many walks into town and Clinton. Lastly, you had your first Memorial Day BBQ and went into a pool for the first time. We took a trip to Peddlers village for lunch and a stroll around the shops. 

Thoughts: Stella..I will let you be little, fill your heart with laughter, help you grow wings, nurture your sense of wonder, inspire you to believe, and love you like there is no tomorrow. 

Our routine:  Our routine is very much the same as last month, and the month before. You still awake around 7ish (been 6:45 lately, and 6:30 on the weekends!). We have breakfast together shortly after you awake. Your first nap is around 8:30 a.m/9ish for about an hour and a half. You nurse around 11 a.m and we have lunch sometime between 12:30 and 1:00. You take an afternoon nap around 1:30/2:00 (this nap, if any is usually the one that you give me a hard time with)  You nurse again at 3:00. Your last evening nap is around 5:00, which is usually a short one (about 45 min). We all eat dinner at 6:30 p.m. Bath follows dinner and you Nurse right before bedtime which is at 7:30 p.m. (lately it's been 8 p.m) You still awake once during the night to be changed and eat- lately some time between 12:00 and 3:00 a.m. During the day we play, go for walks, play outside on your swing, run errands etc.. 

There were a few nights this month that were pretty damn rough. You wanted nothing to do with your crib and would cry and were inconsolable. Daddy and I felt helpless. We would rock you, sing to you, cuddle you...nothing seemed to work. We blamed it on your teething, and being over tired. Makes me so sad to see you like this. 

You had your first fever of 102.6 this month. It only lasted 24 hours and there were no other symptoms. Teething?!

Your favorites: Some of your favorites lately have been bouncing in your Einstein, walks outside in your stroller, your blankey- you love covering your face with it when going to sleep, reading books and eating books, clapping, Mickey Mouse and Ella the Elephant- especially the songs, playing with your food, our frozen yogurt trips, Lazy lamb on the ipad, clapping, knocking over the egg cup towers that Daddy and I build for you, feeding yourself, water and chewing on your toothbrushes. You also love taking apart your wooden puzzles pieces and throwing them.  Daddy and I put them in and you take them out. 

Momma’s Favorites: Lately I have been loving our playtime, I feel like we actually play together, I love your reaction to books, I feel like that is a favorite that we share, my own gingerbread lattes, I enjoy one each morning when we eat breakfast together, dressing you in Summer clothing, your kisses, our frozen yogurt trips, enjoying cooking on the grill, our walks- especially when you talk in your stroller to yourself, your baby bird face, and being you Momma to an 8 month old. 
Pictures throughout the month....

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Our Memorial Day weekend...

It was a nice, relaxing weekend spent with family and friends, and horses may I add. Having the hubby home for three straight days was an extra bonus!! That meant extra snuggle and playtime in our bed in the morning, eating breakfasts together, chit chat over hot coffee (latte for me, thank you), family walks and lunch dates, and less diaper changes for me!! The weekend was beautiful- sunshine, warm temps, and more sunshine. Stella was finally able to rock one of her Spring/Summer dresses with the romper, and sandals and not with leggings!

Saturday we took a walk in town and had a family lunch date at the lovin oven. Love that damn place! We sat outside which was nice, and Stella enjoyed her lunch with us...cottage cheese, prunes and a slice of whole grain bread.  She chimed in plenty of times with her 'pterodactyl' screeches. I kind of find myself ordering for both of us...whatever I order I make sure there will be something on my plate that we can avocado. She is always checking out what we are eating. Sharing is caring, right?! :) Here is the babe at lunch..Look at those teeth!!

Oh yea, and Momma tried giving Ellie a pedicure. She is still trottin around with one painted paw. 

It's nice being able to wheel Stella's height chair out onto the deck for meals. Sunday lunch on the deck!

Later that day we packed up what feels like the house and to Grandma and Grandpa's we went. Sunday BBQ! Good thing my head is attached lately, because I feel like the warmer weather just adds more items to the list of things to remember. Toys-check, sunscreen-check, water and meals- check, puffs and snacks- check, height chair-check, and the list goes on and on... 

We laid out a blanket and played picnic style...

Becoming a Momma has changed my life in unimaginable ways...ways I never thought were possible.

Stella is getting more comfortable around the horses and doesn't have a meltdown out of fear. She actually pet Chaps and reached out for him. So cute.

Once upon a time, Daddy was a cowboy....

Did I say how much I loved her birdcage house dress. It is actually a light mint, along with the rompers. Love it!

Monday was Stella's first day in a pool. The list of items to pack for the day just tripled! I was guessing Stella was going to LOVE the pool since she absolutely loves, loves, loves bath time. I was hoping she was going to nap on the way to our friends, Stacey and Trevor's house but I figured that would be too good to be true. Her pissy mood got the best of her pool time. And talk about fighting a nap....Ha! Rick finally pushed her around the yard for a while in her stroller and that seemed to do the trick. Timing is everything...

This was a busy weekend for little miss....Monday night ended with a warm bath, snuggles in our bed and special story time with Daddy... (Monday night was a rough one to say the least) 

I cannot believe I am going to start working on Stella's 8 month update today. Eeek!! 

I also plan on putting together a video for each Friday that recaps moments from the weekend and weekdays... we shall see :)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

fun Friday

Our fun Friday consisted of a lunch date with a few friends, in which Stella decided to let out a few 'pterodactyl' screeches... and a handfuls of Mommas. I love it! Stella was due to eat at 11:30 and we were meeting for lunch at 11:45....The convenience of breastfeeding at its finest folks.  I hopped in the back and fed the hungry monster.  After she was finished and while we waited for the others, we had fun looking at each other in the flip down mirror in the drivers seat and pounding on the steering wheel. All new views from the front seat :) After lunch and when the sun was still shining, we laid out a picnic blanket in the yard and blew bubbles. Her face when she saw the bubbles was priceless. Baby bird.

It wasn't long before we had to take things inside since the dark clouds were rolling in. 

Here is a short clip from Friday's moments.... watch here

I cherish every moment with her. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Catching up...and Throwback Thursday

Stella was playing catch up on Tuesday with her sleep since she wasn't feeling well on Monday. We didn't have story time like we usually do. No fret, we made up for it on Wednesday because we got a new book! Woop! Woop!  I Love You Stinky Face

Damn straight I wasn't missing out What's cooking Wednesday. Guilty..this one was for me! Homemade thin mints. Store these bad boys in the freezer...delish! All we did was melt semi sweet morsels, add mint extract, dip crackers into the chocolate and refrigerate. 

Typically I would take Stella out for Time for a Treat Thursday, but today was the gloomiest day ever and Stella's naps weren't the best today. I was batting zero. Sooo....we made a treat at home. Roasted banana smores on the grill. Yes Please!  I could of eaten 10 more of these. For the record..I did not eat both of these :)
Peel back the skin and enjoy!
Evidence is smudged all over her face :)

Lastly, I just melt over her little denims with her gray peplin top. Love baby style...

Okay I can really go crazy here but throwback Thursday anyone??

WooHoo! Tomorrow is Fun Friday!