Monday, July 6, 2015

Our Red, White and Blue Weekend!

Let me just dust off my keyboard here... ;) Last week wasn't so much a busy week, but a germy week if that. Stella and I battled off a crappy Summer cold. When I get a cold, it is so hard for me not too spread any germs since I am home with her all day. I try my best to wash my hands as many times as I can and disinfect surfaces, but sometimes it is just inevitable. Rick and I were cleaning up after dinner last night and were talking about how nice this weekend was. Rick was home and didn't have to work Saturday- so right there the weekend felt just a bit longer, even though they still aren't long enough. It was just one of those no set plans- go with the flow kinda weekends. 

Our weekend went a little like this....

we kicked it off on Friday with a day in town spent with Nana since she was off work...
hummus, veggie burgers, ice cream...

later that night we attempted the fireworks but it was a flop. The 'foofs' as Stella called them were being set off across the river so we set up camp along the river. The trees were so overgrown that we couldn't see the beautiful bursts of color. But Stella enjoyed staying up late, and running around near the river just as much. 
collected rocks, picked weeds, caught lightening bugs...

Saturday breakfast of course had to be red, white and blue! layered pancakes with some whip, blueberries, bananas, and strawberries! yum! We also made a star spangled pie and some red, white and blue cupcakes! They were dipped in to too soon for pictures... ;)

Later that day, we went to Gammy and Pop's for a small barbeque. 
Alcohol free wine for me, good ol' american bbq eats, sparklers, mosquito bites, a little red, white and blue attire for Stella, 

Two late nights for Stella called for a day home on Sunday. Rick opened the resort on the deck Sunday morning- haha! He hosed everything out and filled the water table and pool with fresh water. Stella and I put our suits on, slathered up in sunscreen and played on the deck. 'diapers hangin' out and all...that's how we roll!'

Naptime was glorious. Rick and I sat outside, both with a miami vice, listened to some island music and made some new plans for the back yard ;) and wished how we were back in Aruba! 

We also had some family weeding adventures- Stella included, it didn't take her long to catch on :) However, she pulled out anything that was green. Sometimes weeds, sometimes grass! Who knew an almost 2 year old could weed! 

That's a wrap for the weekend. And for the record our little babe is now counting up to 15!! We catch her counting anything and everything...including her steps at times. :) 

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