Tuesday, July 21, 2015

22 Months...

Our baby girl will be twenty two months this week. I really cannot believe she is going to be T-W-O years old soon.  So here are 22 facts for 22 months!

1. This girl is obsessed with rocks! She loves to collect them, play with them in her water and sand table and count them! Whether we are home or out and about and she spots a rock, it is a must that she stops to pick one or ten up! I can't even begin to explain how many rocks I found in my diaper bag when I was cleaning it out. And her carseat? Forget it. Rocks, rocks, everywhere!
2. Stella loves to sing songs! Sometimes with others and sometimes all by herself. Rick and I catch her singing all the time. In her crib and to her guys. Her favorite songs to sing are: ABC's, Row Row Your Boat, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Rain Rain Go Away, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 
3. This little babe can count all the way up to 15, and can name all her colors. 
4. She loves playing in water. Whether it is her pool, water table or just the hose....if it has water she is a happy camper! She especially loves the mist setting on the hose. 
5. Rick and I talk all the time about how her vocabulary has exploded recently. It is incredible how we are able to communicate with her. She tells us what she wants and we are able to respond. She tells us if she is hungry and what she wants, if she wants to play and what she wants to play, if she peed or pooped and that she wants a new diaper, how many wipes we should use when changing her (she hates the wipes since she says they are cold!), the list goes on and on. 
6. Since I will be home recovering from a c-section very soon I began working on teaching her to walk up and down the stairs like a big girl so I don't have to lift and carry her. She is now obsessed with doing 'big girls!' She asks to do "big girl" all the time. She holds the railing spindles and steps one at a time. 
7. At the moment some of her favorite snacks are raisins, crushed ice which she calls 'baby ice', ice pops, Annie's bunny organic fruit snacks, fresh fruit smoothies, blueberries, and frozen yogurt dots.
8. She loves her play kitchen. She loves rummaging through her fridge and oven. She bakes her cake and cupcakes in the oven and uses her oven mitt to take them out when they are done. She also loves to make lemon tea for everyone to try. When she shares she says that it is hot and that she will fix it. She then puts it in her microwave, says 'DING!', it's ready!! And all of a sudden it is perfect. :) When she pretends to give it a try, she proceeds with 'Ohhh, it's sour!!'
9. I have mentioned before her group of guys. When we leave the house I usually ask her to choose one or two to bring along since we can't bring them all. More days than none, she chooses Baby and Goofy. Her baby was a gift from Santa last Christmas and she has taken to her very quickly. If I had to choose a favorite of hers from the entire group, I would say Baby is a top runner. My point with all this baby talk? Where do I begin...Her baby talk to her baby is hysterical...when Rick and I listen in...he literally has use rolling. Her conversations with her baby go something like this...
"ohh no! It's okay baby, it's okay baby, don't cry!"
"Shh, Shh, Shh!" As she rocks her and pats her on the back.
"Oh no, baby pooped! Pewy! Baby needs a new diapy" 
"Ok Baby...all dry! All clean!"
She wraps her in her blanky..."Ok Baby, go night night!"
"Oh no! Baby peed...all wet! Baby needs medicine (meaning Desitin) and a new diapy!"
"Good girl Baby."
10. She loves to help me bake. Sitting on the counter with me, baking cookies or cupcakes are times we both love to spend together. She loves getting her hands in there and making a mess ;) Cleaning it up---not so much! 
11. With lots of repetition and practice, this 22 month old can spell not only her name, but she can also spell Mom and Dad!!
12. She is a true Daddy's girl. Momma is chum when Daddy gets home from work ;) The smiles and the run to the back door when she sees him pull in after work is enough to melt a Momma's heart. 
13. Still loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Winnie the Pooh. She sings along with Mickey now too. M.I.C.K.E.YYYYY  M.O.U.S.E! 
14. She loves spending time in her room, and also asks to play in Ree's room. :)
15. She really is a good cleaner-upper! If I ask her to help me put away her toys and clean the play room- she does put the toys back where they belong and not in just any random spot or bin. 
16. This gal loves her pasta (in moderation of course) veggies, and fruits!
17. Stella will dig in the dirt and get covered in filth, but the minute she has food on her hands- the world is coming to an end!
18. She has developed quite an obsession with the garage. She asks to go play in the garage all the time. 
19. She is a dipper and loves to dip her food in ketchup! Girl after my own heart <3! 
20. She loves to be outside and do nature things! It could be down pouring and she will still ask to go outside. Nature walks for flowers on the tow path are the best.
21. Stella can seriously be sassy at times! Rick and I are in for it come the teenage years! 
22. She has brought so much love and joy to Rick and I's lives, it's insane! We love her so so much. 

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