Thursday, July 9, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Every time I add a video clip to my collection of Stella clips, I find myself watching a few oldies and tearing up. It really is hard to understand just how fast time goes by. It doesn't seem that long ago that she fit snuggled up in my arms. Some video clips are over a year ago... It truly has been amazing to watch her grow and blossom right before my eyes. Not only has she grown into this beautiful little girl from this adorable squishy baby, but her personality is shining through vividly these days. It doesn't take her long to learn new things; she catches on pretty quick. Like pulling weeds for example, as soon as she saw what Rick and I were doing and how we were pulling them out and putting them in a the large black leaf bag....she jumped right in on the fun! (you see how fun is in italics, right? ...weeding sucks!) She counts just about anything that she can these days and stops at 14 or 15 and sings her ABC's and loves to read herself books. When I bring up the laundry in the basket fresh out of the dryer and begin to fold it, she shakes each piece out (just like I do) before she folds it and adds it to my pile. 
She watches and listens closely to everything we do! When did this happen? Not long ago, you were immobile and would cry when you needed to eat! Now you head to the pantry or fridge and tell me exactly what you want! "Raisins or 'yoda' with berries, peeas!" 

So here is a throwback Thursday clip or two....

And this clip I can't help but add. This was just the other night before putting her jammies on and getting ready for bed. Nothing like some jumpin' around action in our bed before catching some zzz's. 

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