Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Quick Toddler Tale

This is moment is totally worth a quick sit down in front of the lap top to jot down. Stella had me in stitches this morning....

so let me explain these goofy pictures...

I had to run a quick errand this morning for a few household items and wanted to get it done early so we could get back and play in the pool and water table. Humidity is gone...woohoo! Anyway, my make-up, hygiene items, all that good stuff is definitely not sacred anymore and is quite the community pile these days thanks to a few sticky fingers ;) Of course my really good things that I treasure and that are more expensive are kept out of reach. I figured we would both just quickly brush the teeth and hair, throw on some clothes and skip the shower since we were going to glop on some sunscreen as soon as we got home. I was giving my underarms a quick swipe of deodorant as Stella watched. Totally catching me off guard she goes "odorant in pits!" as she pointed to her armpits! I burst out in laughter. She wanted me to apply deodorant in her armpits before we left...yes! a 22 month old wanted friggin deodorant in her pits!  So I quickly dabbed the ladystick in each pit and she thought she was hot shit there on out. She kept pointing to her underarms saying "pits!" wanting me to smell them! 
It is now afternoon and she is still talking about her pits....
oh this girl....i love her to pieces.

and the reason her hands smelled of rosemary...

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