Monday, July 13, 2015

Nine Months Along...

Nine months pregnant. 
Three more weeks until we get to meet out sweet baby boy. 
Three more weeks until Rick and I have two littles to love on at home.
Twenty one more days until I am up throughout the night feeding the little babe.

Overall feeling good. Just the normal, tiredness and issues getting comfortable at night. At my last doctor appointment, the doctor was 85% certain that Ricky had flipped and was now head down. If I had to guess he flipped waiting in the doctors office because I didn't feel any jolting movements until that day. While waiting to see the doctor, he moved in such an awkward way that I thought something was going to bust through my belly button. Totally made me shoot up out of my sitting position. i could be completely wrong...just a guess. :) 
As of 36 weeks, I am up 20 lbs. No true cravings anymore, just eating small meals and snacks throughout the day. However, my first meal is always a small bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and a half of banana sprinkled with cinnamon and my last snack of the day is usually a popped 100 calorie bag of popcorn. Just seems to satisfy the night urge to snack. Yep...those damn Good and Plenty's are still haunting my pantry...haha
Little Ricky gets the hiccups all. the. time. Just like Stella did. Sometimes they wake me up out of a dead sleep and I can't fall back asleep until they are all gone. During the day, he is definitely an active baby; but I could also feel him running low on space these days. 
Sleep is really hit or miss. Rolling over or flipping sides is another story...and I often find myself laying awake deciding if I have to pee bad enough to get out of bed for. 

Other thoughts:
belly button popped out.
wedding rings still on.
no swelling.
pretty much living in my comfy clothes these days...gym short, tanks and flip flops.
at nine months pregnant, took Stella to Sesame Place and rode on all of the rides with my little girl...more firsts for Stella :)
planning on washing some newborn clothes and swaddles this week. 
wrote my list for the hospital bag--on the list are little gifts from Ricky to Stella, one for each day that Stella visits. Each gift is something that will keep her busy in the hospital room while she visits. a Minnie Mouse stamp and stationary set, an I Spy Minnie Mouse book, a Minnie Mouse matching card game etc.
Still enjoying my 30 minute walks on the treadmill 5 days a week...i think it is time for new sneakers.
Shaving the legs is quite the project lately and I may just have to make an appt. at Stella's nail salon for a piggy polish job since that is pretty hard these days also. 
Already feeling anxious about being away from Stella for a few days while in the hospital. I have never spent a night away from her. I know Rick will head home during the day each day for a few hours and bring her back to visit which feels comforting. 
Family maternity photographs....check! Excited to see them :)

hey little guy...we all can't wait to meet you and kiss that sweet face and Stella promises to sing to you ;)

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