Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sweet Sweet Summer

Stella and I have really been soaking up the Summer as much as we can. We all know how fast it fly's by. The Summers always feel so short compared to the other seasons. Maybe that comes from being a teacher and having the Summers off. They never failed to fly by at the blink of an eye. Except for one Summer---the Summer that I was preggo with Stella. Sitting around so excited for Summer to end so we could welcome our little baby girl and knowing that I didn't have to go right back to work made the Summer feel sooo long.  Many of our days this Summer are spent outside on the back deck. This Summer has been the best Summer yet; thanks to this little chickie. We are able to do so much together...laugh, be silly, hold hands, all that good stuff. These pictures just scream summer to me...





Sweet Sweet Summer, you can hang around as long as you'd like...

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