Friday, July 17, 2015

Stella and I Are...

Happy Friday! 

making// well our grill took a shit! In the middle of grill season...i mean what the hell?! So, while waiting anxiously for our new one to be delivered I have been been doing most cooking inside...womp womp womp! Let's see we have had baked lemon herb crusted chicken, farmhouse hash with poached eggs, maybe some take out thrown in there this week ;) Not much baking going on over here since we have been munching on ice pops!
drinking//  lots of water and crushed ice. Stella has been enjoying a small cup of white grape juice here and there. Took her a while to really enjoy juice. And of course smoothies!! It's berry season which calls for endless fruit smoothies! Stella has been loving a fresh fruit smoothie for breakfast with a side of dry toasted oat Kashi cereal. Her favorite smoothie is strawberry banana. I usually make hers by buying fresh strawberries when I can and slice and freeze them on my own. Now is the time I buy them in bulk and freeze them. I add them to the blender, with a half of a banana, a splash of either pineapple juice or orange juice and I add two frozen cubes of coconut milk which I buy by the can and freeze in an ice cube tray. Blend it up and chug it down! The coconut milk cubes just add some extra full fat nutrition to her smoothie rather than using plain ice cubes. It also makes it a bit more creamy ;) And for the Kashi cereal- they are shaped in hearts and o's. We love to sit and make patterns during breakfast! 
reading// lists and lists that I have been writing lately. To do lists before baby comes, hospital bag list, food shopping list for Stella during the week will be in the hospital...etc.
wanting// more Summatime days with no humidity. And...that first frosty beverage in my hand soon! Momma wants to order a cold one ;)
watching// hmm..nothing on t.v worth mentioning. Just finished season 3 of Orange is the New Black. 
listening//  to Stella counting everything!!!
eating// lots and lots of berries- strawberries and blueberries mostly. Peaches too. Stella has been on a true raisin kick these days and my oatmeal in the morning has been replaced with the Kashi heart to heart toasted oat cinnamon cereal with blueberries and a half of banana. Was honestly getting tired of making it in the morning. 
smelling// i'll tell you what I am not smelling....dinner sizzling on the grill :( it's one of those you don't realize how much you enjoy it until it's gone. 
enjoying// spending as much quality time with Stella. and choosing my first frosty beverage that I will be indulging in very very soon ;)
loving// Stella's interest in Ricky and my belly lately. She points to him and asks about him and when he is going to come out and play all the time. Also, our last minute paint change in Ricky's nursery. Every time I would walk in I just felt like it needed a little something else....well I asked Rick to tape out a few chunky horizontal stripes to the window wall..and I painted it the same night that he taped them out...I love it soo much more!
hoping//  for a few really good nights worth of sleep in the next few days. and to begin planning Stella's second birthday party soon. What?!?! I can't believe I just typed that!
needing// more energy these days!  
wearing// well let's see...not much fits! been living in gym shorts, tanks, and flops or comfy Summer dresses :) Keepin' it comfy! 
bookmarking// hmm...honestly not much. 

and looking forward to// meeting our little man in just about 2 weeks!

I have really been thinking about how Stella is going to react when she meets her little brother for the very first time. I get all teary eyed thinking about it now; just wait...I am going to be a sobbing mess. It is going to be a very special moment for our little family of 4. Every opportunity I get lately I have been trying to do something special with Stella or work with her on her counting, ABC's or songs because she loves it so much! We have been stopping randomly at parks on the way to our destinations for some extra play time, having park time after dinner with Daddy, afternoon picnic's near the river in town, walking and running down the towpath along the river in search of different color flowers and big leaves! Somehow I always get stuck carrying them. :) My blog posts have been slacking lately, but my time spent with Stella has been simply the best. I enjoy our time spent together so so much. 

Cheers to a Happy Friday and kick ass weekend!

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