Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Life Lately...

I have put blogging on the back burner for now as we prepare for our little guy's arrival. There is so much that I have wanted to get done around the house before going into the hospital. I guess you can say I am nesting... ;) 
floors steamed and disinfected...check!
all drapes taken down and washed/rods dusted...check!
bathrooms scrubbed and disinfected...check!

Along with cleaning, I have been spending all my time doing fun things with Stella. I am soaking up these last days with just me and my girl. :) Walks on the towpath, donut dates, getting things ready together for little Ricky, i hop in her crib when he wakes up from her nap and we play in it :)

Lately in a few pics...

Stella and I have also been working a lot on identifying different shapes and pictures...

A few other happenings...

Rick and I got out for a dinner date last Friday night. We enjoyed some yummy Mexican, a nice walk around town and a damn good scoop of Nutella ice cream! 

Here are two tiny treasures I found on etsy for a tiny bundle...I fell in love with these soother holders; thought they were so cute and boyish, as well as these tiny mittens.

I also had my last OBGYN appointment. I actually brought Stella to this appointment, so she got to hear her little brother's heartbeat. what a special moment for me. It was cute because she was telling Rick when he got home from work that she came with me and heard Ree. :) She also walks around holding fingers up on her hand saying "days" like we only have x amount of days until Ree comes. 

At my appointment we listened to the little man's heartbeat which sounded nice and strong. He is still snug as a bug in there, and moving like crazy! Almost all of his movements now are pretty uncomfortable since space is running low in there! He continues to get the hiccups all the time and is head down :) He pokes his feet out all the time; and I love to tickle them because as soon as I do so, he pulls them back in. i used to do that to Stella too...

Everything is pretty much the same from my last pregnancy update. My total weight gain for this pregnancy was 21 lbs. I wonder how much of that is him?! Only difference from a few weeks ago are the amount of braxton hicks and actual contractions. Both extremely uncomfortable but not timing worthy. 

All in all, feeling good and can't wait to meet the little guy. <3

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