Friday, July 31, 2015

She is With Me....a few honest feelings from the heart

Damn straight I am excited to meet our baby boy, I have been waiting a long time for this.  At the same time I am a ball of emotions as the last few days go by. I am nervous, anxious, excited..all wrapped into one. I'd say it is totally normal for anyone to be nervous for surgery. I am just keeping positive thoughts that everything is going to go great, our baby boy is going to be as healthy as can be and he will be placed in my arms shortly after birth. Waiting five hours to hold Stella felt like an eternity.

Going into surgery this time I know we have a tiny guardian angel looking down on us...and she is going to help bring us our miracle baby. I know she will be in the OR room welcoming little Ricky into this world with us.

There is one song that has always reminded me of Mabel. When I heard it for the first time after we said goodbye to her the words just jumped out at me as if she was singing them to me...

As we get closer to delivery day I feel like I hear this song every single time I turn on a radio whether it be in the kitchen or in the truck. to me it's a sign that she is with me....telling me everything is going to be okay come delivery day.

and this morning was no different. After breakfast, Stella and I turned on the speaker in the kitchen for a country dance party ;) and the song came on soon after we were twirling around each other...and Stella looked right up at me...those eyes just fill my that moment I felt like all of us were dancing together and she sang those words from the song to me...

sweet baby boy just a couple more days until we all welcome you into this world...

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