Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Back from a Short Blogging Break

I kinda took a blogging break there for a bit. With all of these hot sunny days that we have been having, except for yesterday, we have been outside all day long. Stella is a total water bug and asks to go outside from the time she gets up until late afternoon. Our deck is quite the play land :) We have been making our way outside after morning breakfast is eaten and all cleaned up. Some days we have been eating lunch outside at the picnic table and come in for nap time and are back outside until Rick gets home from work or shortly before. By the time dinner is cleaned up and Stella is bathed and getting ready for bed- Momma is whooped! Not even an ounce of energy to whip out the computer and type. ;)

My last blog had a picture of a baby deer that a Momma deer had dropped in our yard. Well this is the first year that Rick and I not only got to experience her moving her baby to a new spot but we also got to watch the Momma nurse her baby....it was soooo neat. Unfortunately Stella was sleeping at the time the Momma was nursing her baby.

Later that afternoon, the Momma returned and nudged her baby. The baby stood and followed her a short distance deeper into the back of the yard- pretty much along the fence. Soon after finding their spot, while standing the baby latched on to the Momma and nursed. The tail on the baby while nursing wagged back and forth soooo fast, it was comical the entire time. After about 15 minutes the Momma began walking away which I am guessing was a signal to the baby that time is up ;) The Momma then laid down and the baby frolicked a bit not leaving her sight.  

Rick and I have been seeing Momma around our house continuously lately. So even if we don't see baby, we know she is around somewhere. 

Later that night Rick and I were watching T.V and heard a strange noise coming from what sounded like the front porch. We looked outside and right on the front sidewalk was Momma deer snorting and stomping her feet at something in our stone bed. She would lunge at it, snort and stomp, back up and do it again. This went on for a good length of time. After she finally left, Rick went out there and 'dontcha' know there was a big ass black cat sleeping in our hydrangea bush. The baby must have been close because the Momma was trying to scare it away. 

The next morning, baby deer was sleeping in the front yard. The explained the Momma's behavior the night before.

Anyhoo, lots of Momma and baby deer shenanigans going on over here lately. 

Feeling large lately, I find myself using my feet more and more. Not only to pick things up with so I don't have to bend down but to also do a number of tasks.... like fill Stella's watering cans. I swear when the belly is gone, the doing shit with my feet will be too...haha.

And just because this picture makes me laugh, I had to share...

Confession: I was actually happy that it rained all day yesterday. It felt so good to spend the day inside for a change. By the end of the day, the playroom and living room looked as though a tornado  had ripped through. I was able to get out and run errands in the morning which was needed. On the way to Target, Rick had called and told Stella go pick out a new toy at the store. Well, that is what we did, after I checked everything else off my list. I actually let her down out of the cart, and strolled up and down the toy aisles. If it had been up to her we would probably still be there. This is what she chose and what came home with us....

When you ask her what her horses' name is, she says "Da".

And yes, my baby girl is twenty months old. Craaaazzyy! On a funny Stella note, she walks around the house singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Rain Rain Go Away and The Itsy Bitsy Spider. She picks up songs sooo quickly. She even sings them to herself while in her crib going down for her nap.  I can always count of this gal for a smile. 

Nursery update- carpet is in and looks beautiful! Crib and dresser are also in and I couldn't be happier with them! It's now time to decorate :) less than 9 weeks..... i can't believe it :)

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