Friday, June 12, 2015

A Few Friday Favorites

Woohoo, it is Friday! A hot one nonetheless and a trip to the farmers market is on our agenda :) Nothing like fresh fruits and veggies for the weekend, and a stop to see the farm animals while we are there. After blogging about Stella's 'friends' whom she calls her guys now, she had me cracking up the other day. I went to get her out of her crib after her nap and as soon as she is greeted at the door she begins to run down the attendance. She proceeds to hand me all of the friends one by one. I usually put Stella down after picking her up out of her crib and let her walk to the stairs- she knows to stop a few steps back where I can organize the friends in my left arm, sit on the top step and comfortably pick her up. However, to lessen the load I threw 'baba' and goofy over the banister into the hallway downstairs. As soon as she saw me throw 'baba' she said "Ooohh nooo, Baba has a booboo!" in the most worrisome of voices. As soon as we got downstairs she ran to 'baba' and kissed her and said "Allll better!" I swear these moments are the greatest. :)

How about a few things that we are enjoying lately for Friday favorites?!

This has been my go to breakfast for awhile now....the only thing that changes from time to time are the berries and at times I will add a tablespoon of almond butter on top!
Stella's favorite breakfast these days has been yogurt with berries and cinnamon with a side of multi grain cereal shapes. She likes to feed 'baba' breakfast too ;)

As for this favorite video clip...there are no words needed. but i do looove the spirit fingers!

Our lunch dates are more special than ever. It is so much easier now that she can walk alongside me, help me carry things, and it is an extra bonus that she feeds herself. We talk, we laugh and we love during each lunch date. 

I mentioned in a previous post making frozen fro yo dots. Well we made strawberry and mint chocolate chip and what a hit they are in this house! They are a great snack, treat and can even be part of her breakfast since they are simply greek yogurt! 

Love these two... what made this moment even better was that this picture was snapped at about 7:15 p.m! Talk about some serious quiet time for Momma ;) I got to paint my nails and watch my dvr! 

Cheers to a happy weekend!

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