Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Long Weekend Shenanigans and a Few Randoms

Life around here lately....a nice three day weekend with Rick home, lots of sunshine, pool and water fun, globs of sunscreen which meant bath time at nights, lots of popsicles, water balloons, bbq for grub, relaxation, and some random fun things inside while taking a break from the sun. 

One of which included sticker fun on my belly... all of the places to put stickers and she chose my belly....gotta love her. Once this lovely collage was done we took them off one by one. :)

The back deck has become quite the play land. We spend so much time out there and Stella will play with anything if there is water involved; even if it is Ellie's water dish. 

this gal has an entire deck of toys, but Daddy's cigar tube was a winner for quite awhile. Fill with water and rocks, dump and repeat...

Over the weekend we also went to Gammy and Pop's house for a small Memorial Day bbq. Daddy and Pop attempted to fly a kite with you but there wasn't a lick of wind, maybe next time ;) 

Two of my favorite colors on Stella this Spring have been this teal and the coral of her swimsuit. I actually took a shopping trip to Old Navy this weekend in search of a few Summer items for Stella and didn't forget about our little man. I am not sure what it is but I am loving the flamingos that I am seeing everywhere.

Here are a few of my findings....

love the back of this chambray dress

nuttin' like a good baseball tee and some comfy sweatpant capris

For a few other randoms....
It wouldn't be a complete Spring here without a baby deer born or placed in our yard by it's Momma.

Mabel's tree is looking beautiful...

Rick and I had another doctor appt yesterday. Baby's heartbeat is a healthy 140 and I am now up 15 lbs., one pound less than last appt. All the doctors get a kick out of how lopsided my belly is....he was  once again cozied up on the right side as usual. Next appt in two weeks is a growth scan to see how big our little man is. So surreal but our date for our c section has been put in and requested. And the nursery carpet is being installed today. :)

Made these jerk shrimp and pineapple skewers for dinner last night. They were so yummy. I served them with brown rice and grilled zucchini. Definitely a make again! Stella approved- she ate her whole damn plate! And these buffalo chicken lettuce wraps are what's for dinner tonight.

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