Thursday, June 18, 2015

One of Those 'More Pictures Than Words'

Stella and I have been keeping busy around here. A few things that we have been up to...

Last Friday we headed to the farmers market in the morning. This farmers market is extra special because they have an entire petting zoo; which we will be visiting again very very soon. Stella loved all of the animals. When Rick got home from work later she told him about the animals that she saw, some of their colors and where on their body's she pet them. It is amazing what her little memory can recall. Of course on the way out she had to pick out of rocks from the gravel road to take home....this girl's obsession with rocks is like no other! I bet my diaper bag would be much lighter if I emptied all of the collected rocks out ;)

Later that night, Rick and I were able to scoot out of the house to one of our favorite restaurants. Date night...woop woop! Unfortunately, my eyes are much larger than the room in my belly lately and it doesn't take much to fill er' up. 

We have also had a few nail polish parties... Stella loves to paint her own nails and I love that the nail polish magically floats off in the bathtub. 


And Tuesday called for a pool and water table day spent outside. Suncreen, sun rays, lots of popsicles, bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles, funny  inappropriate shaped water balloons ;), munching on crushed ice (Stella's new favorite thing to eat; she will choose ice over any candy or snack!), virgin Miami vices (oh my word- these are my jam!!), picnic style lunch on the back deck, and Momma in a two piece! Yep, I said it; a two piece! thank goodness for some yard privacy! 

And last but not least...
I have had a few of Ricky's ultrasound pictures hanging on the far side of the fridge. Yesterday, after dinner and out of nowhere, Stella pointed to the pictures while talking to Rick and I and said "baby Ree!" Never once have I showed her them or pointed them out to her...she amazes me. 

"in about 6 1/2 weeks you will be a big sister, and the best one yet!" Love you Stella to the moon and back.... you make Momma's heart feel so full ;)

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